Fox and Hounds

A derivative of Bulldog. 

How many players are there in Fox and Hounds?



How do you play Fox and Hounds?

These are the rules of playing Fox and Hounds.

One person starts out as being the 'hound'. 

Everyone else is a 'fox'. 

Aim of the game is to be the last remaining fox. 

A fox becomes a hound if tagged by another hound. 

Difference from bulldog is that there are no defined boundaries of where you can play/hide, e.g.  a football pitch.  We used to use the whole school grounds instead.

Posted by: Anon

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Comment 1

2008-08-02 20:18:45
another similar game to this is ratty or rat catcher you start with one person seeking 3 or more others once one person has been found they have to go round with the rat catcher
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