
Can be played with just two but has more effect when playing with 5 or more. 

How many players are there in Fugitive?


or more Players

How do you play Fugitive?

These are the rules of playing Fugitive.

This was my favourite game, I liked playing the fugitive.

One person is the fugitive.
The rest are the trackers.
The Fugitive is given chalk and then runs out.
The group count to 100 and then start to give chase.
The Fugitive MUST draw an arrow every time they change direction.
They can hide the arrows anywhere as long as they DO draw an arrow somewhere.
The group must find the arrows or listen for the fugitive and catch them before they make it home.
The group can split up but must stay in groups of at least two or three.

Other Names

Cops n Robbers
Tracking : (Northants) Posted by: MP
Paper Chase
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Man Hunt
Jack Jack Shine : Posted by: Vincent Swift
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Comment 1

Vincent Swift
Vincent Swift
2017-04-14 00:56:45
Sounds similar to Jack Jack shine your light played after dark Jack hides with a torch and has to shine it briefly before moving elsewhere when the chasers shout Jack Jack shine your light Game ends when they catch him
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